Palisades Renovation – Recovery
Bureau of Land Management, Madison County, Montana
Project included renovation of existing day use area, boat ramp and campground to include site grading, excavating, backfilling and compacting, pipe plowing, installing concrete toilets, pump house, hydrants, picnic tables, spreading top soil, seeding, and pavement works.
Contract Amount: $847,707.00
Colville Storm Agency Improvement Project
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Nespelem, Washington
Project included construction of roadway including grade, drain, removal and disposal of existing bituminous pavement and drainage structures, construct placement of new storm drain system, placement of aggregate base course, hot asphalt concrete pavement, pavement markings, and incidentals of 2.05 miles on BIA Route 017.
Amount: $1,754,167.80
Nespelem Town Water & Buttercup Lane
Water Storage Project
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Washington
Project included Nespelem Well Equipping, water main and
pump house improvements, and Inchelium Buttercup Lane
Water Storage Tank.
Amount: $511,622.18
Cascades Casino Development Phase I & II
Puyallup Tribe of Indians, Tacoma, Washington
Project included site development, permit coordination,
asbestos remediation, demolition, Administration Building demolition, parking facilities, sewer, water, storm, and
Contract Amount: $3,509,996.00
Legends Casino Event Center
Yakama Nation, Toppenish, Washington
Project included site development major excavation work, import aggregate, ACP, sewer, water, storm, and gas.
Contract Amount: $507,103.00
Northern Quest Casino
Kalispel Tribe of Indians, Airway Heights, Washington
Project included site development major excavation work, import aggregate, ACP, sewer, water, storm and gas.
Contract Amount: $3,539,999.00
Stafford Creek Correctional Facility
Washington State Department of Corrections, Aberdeen, Washington
Project included excavation, roads, utilities, aggregate import, grading, compaction, water, and sewer.
Amount: $1,788,550.00
Intermodal Shipping Yard
Puyallup International, Inc. - A Subsidiary of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians
Tacoma, Washington
Project included clearing, grubbing, drain and gravel surfacing of a shipping container storage facility, railroad spurs, asphalt apron for unloading railroad cars, and underground utilities.

Amount: $1,479,350.00
Moclips-Olympic Highway Rehabilitation
United States Department of the Interior / B.I.A.
Quinault Indian Reservation, Grays Harbor County, Washington
Project included culvert replacement, regrade & resurface 2.9 mi. of 2-lane road.
Amount: $1,044,837.00
Eagle Hill Road Widening Project
The Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe
Widening of the Eagle Hill Road Tsunami Excavation Route to include clearing and grubbing, road alignment, erosion control, common excavation, roadway excavation and embankment, culverts, single and tow lane road grade, quarry spalls, HMA, signage, and guard rails
Amount: $1,195,002.50
Plains, MT Flood Event
Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle District
Project included furnishing all necessary supplies, aggregate materials, and earthmoving and support equipment, complete with operator to reinforce the river bank along the Plains Sewer Lagoon.
Amount: $613,000.00
Eagle Nest Development Residences
Colville Indian Housing Authority
Project included furnishing labor, materials, equipment, project management, expertise and other resources and services necessary for the construction and completion of 20 Residential units along with site development.
Amount: $4,427,131.80
Colville Tribal Greenhouses
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation
Project included constructing a new potting and seeding facility which is housed in a pre-engineered metal building of 6,443 sq. ft. as well as the erection of (4) pre-engineered greenhouse kits.
Amount: $2,030,027.07
Inchelium Health Clinic Extension
Inchelium Health Clinic / Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation
Project included expansion of the clinic which consisted of 3,137 sq. ft. of new addition to the existing facility. Within the new addition there were (12) office spaces, a break area, (3) small work stations, storage, IT/IDF room, and a single use shower/bathroom.
Amount: $1,826,975.54